Simple Analytics

How Do Stranger is intended to be the analytics for the layman. In a world where most analytics software are filled with complex reports and deep dive functionality, for this project, we strive for simplicity - to show people basic metrics about their website so they can understand how many people are visiting them and where they are going. Project is still in development by Digital Baboon and is planned to launch in Q1, 2019.

Diving In

Upon opening analytics, the user should see a basic summary of most of the available metrics and can click on one to see a more detailed overview that will provide an additional insight.


This is where users will land upon entering the app. It shows a summary of most important metrics and clicking on one will give you a deeper look.

Metric Selected

Once a metric is selected, the user will be presented of a top 10 breakdown, giving some additional information.

Site Selector

By selecting the dropdown, the user is presented with all of the sites that have been added. If you add an image to your site, it will appear site-wide

Site Actions

Using hovers as the default way of showing additional actions, users are able to edit or remove a site right from the overlay.

Adding a Website

Adding a website will be a 2 step process with a success screen at the end. When you actually think about what you need to add something to any software, most of the times you have to provide information that is not relevant at the moment of the action. Not here. All you need to do is add the name of the website, add the tracking code to your site and let the software do the rest!

Account Settings

To keep it simple, only the most basic of information is asked.

Site Settings

The website URL’s will be automatically populated from the tracking code added to the site

Billing Settings

Here you can see all invoices, plan status and a simple billing form. Oh, and yes, this tool will cost only $2/month.

Adding a User

This action requires only one view as there are no permission levels to set.

Password Change

Once a password change has been requested, a unique link will be sent to the users email which will lead to here. This can also be done from the “Account” page.

Final Thoughts

No matter how simple a piece of software can be, there are many screens that need to be maintained and given that this is a work in progress, many things are bound to be changed, like the top menu bar and aesthetics for some views. There will also be more screens and functionality to add, like a mobile version (this has to be responsive, of course). I will keep this post updated as the project keeps moving forward.